[PDF] ” Tested Advertising Methods ” John Caples – Download

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PDF Title : Tested Advertising Methods
Total Page : 152 Pages
Author: John Caples
PDF Size : 6.4 MB
Language : English
Publisher : phindia.com
PDF Link : Available


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Tested Advertising Methods – Book

People often have two reactions to advertisements-the conscious and the unconscious. Conscious judgment is their reaction to its visual or verbal impact. The unconscious judgment or real judgment comes to the surface when they go into a store to buy. There is no better test of an advertisement than whether or not it actually sells the product! In fact, it is the only true way of determining if your advertisement works.

In regard to the aforementioned slogan that my friend disliked, it might be argued that the very fact that she noticed it, even though unfavorably, was a point in its favor. It might be argued that the slogans she didn’t notice and the advertisements she didn’t remember, either favorably or unfavorably, were the bad advertisements. A famous copywriter once said, “The greatest crime advertising can commit is to remain unnoticed. “

Tested Advertising Methods PDF

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