The Anatomy of Story : 22 steps to becoming a master storyteller [PDF]

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Anatomy of Story, The - John Truby - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel PDF Download Online Free

PDF Title : The Anatomy of Story
Total Page : 504 Pages
Author: John Truby
PDF Size : 4.3 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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The Anatomy of Story : 22 steps to becoming a master storyteller – Book

Note that Hollywood has become more plot-conscious in recent years, and that makes many screenwriters’ reliance on three-act structure even more dangerous. Three-act structure, you will recall, requires that your story have two or three plot points (reveals).

Aside from the fact that this advice is just plain wrong, it will give you a lousy plot with no chance of competing in the real world of professional screenwriting.

The average hit film in Hollywood today has seven to ten major reveals. Some kinds of stories, including detective stories and thrillers, have even more. The sooner you abandon the three-act structure and learn the techniques of advanced plotting, the better off you will be.

The Anatomy of Story : 22 steps to becoming a master storyteller PDF

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