The Appeal of Internal Review [PDF]

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THE-APPEAL-OF-INTERNAL-REVIEW-David-Cowan-Simon-Halliday - Book PDF Download

PDF Title : The Appeal of Internal Review
Total Page : 232 Pages
Author: Simon Halliday, Cowan David
PDF Size : 872 KB
Language : English
Source : indianpdf
PDF Link : Available

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The Appeal of Internal Review

In this chapter, we have sought to capture the different responses of our interviewees to the negative decisions in their cases. Our survey data in chapter two suggests that the use of legal representation in internal review is atypical on a national scale.

Our interview sample contained examples both of applicants who did seek legal help and those who did not. A number of our interviewees engaged with other techniques and tactics beyond legal advice designed to cope with their housing situation and their negative decision.

Other applicants, however, did seek legal advice and our interview sample, particularly in relation to Brailsford, was sufficient for us to gain valuable data about why and how this occurs.

Our data gives us insights into applicants’ motivation in seeking legal help and into the barriers to the take up of legal services. These findings are consonant with larger quantitative projects which have sought to examine these questions in depth.

The Appeal of Internal Review PDF

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