The Decade of Blind Dates [PDF]

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Decade of Blind Dates, The - Richard Alther - Novel - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book PDF Online

PDF Title : The Decade of Blind Dates
Total Page : 286 Pages
Author: Richard Alther
PDF Size : 786 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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The Decade of Blind Dates – Book

Mostly it was my children who were responsible for my malaise. Julie, now single, was busting her chops at a West Virginia work-study medical school so she could ultimately aid abused women. Derek, engaged to a natural blond symphony cellist, was teaching at Harvard Medical School. The faster their lives spun into their respective vortices, the more sluggish I became, as if it was their turn for hands at the helm.

I stopped doing interval training by the poolside clock and swam my laps leisurely, with plenty of time to think of nothing in particular. Perhaps it was the solace of having Barry nearby, living and working at his new job in Burlington. Then, too, it was the doldrums of mud season, with forsythia, lilac, and tulips poised to bloom but holding off.

Fed up with cruising online, I rented DVDs from a new Web site. I would never need a movie theater for the rest of my life. Imbued by the farmlands lining the Champlain Valley, I was gladly lying fallow. Wrong image; it implies another burst.

The Decade of Blind Dates PDF

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