The FX Bootcamp Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading [PDF]

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The FX Bootcamp Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading - Wayne McDonell - Read Book - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Online Free

PDF Title : The FX Bootcamp Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading
Total Page : 255 Pages
Author: Wayne McDonell
PDF Size : 3.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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The FX Bootcamp Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading – Book

I prefer trading with the trend. I love pulling the trigger when the market and price are aligned. This makes minimally acceptable performance (MAP) much more likely. However, I often get lucky and price runs for quite some time after I’ve moved my stop to protect MAP. I seem to be unlucky more often when I’m trading against the trend.

However, even though currencies trend a lot, there are plenty of trading days when price stalls and we trade in a range for a few hours up to a few days. This means if we are going to trade, we need to adjust our expectations, become more conservative, and use the proper tools.

The FX Bootcamp Guide to Strategic and Tactical Forex Trading PDF

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