The Mom Test – by Rob Fitzpatrick [PDF]

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The Mom Test - How to Talk to Customers and Learn If Your Busin is a Good Idea when Everyone is Lying to You - Rob Fitzpatrick - www.indianpdf.com_ Download Book Novel

PDF Title : The Mom Test
Total Page : 134 Pages
Author: Rob Fitzpatrick
PDF Size : 397 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available


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The Mom Test – by Rob Fitzpatrick – Book

When you are finding ways to sneak into customer conversations, you’re always on the back foot. You made the approach, so they are suspicious and trying to figure out if you’re wasting their time. Instead, we can look for ways to separate ourselves from the crowd so they can find us.

Beyond saving you vast sums of time and frustration, bringing people to you also makes them take you more seriously and want to help you more. How can you plant a flag your customers can see? What can you offer them that will make them want to talk to you?

The Mom Test – by Rob Fitzpatrick PDF

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