The One From The Other [PDF]

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PDF Title : The One From The Other
Total Page : 356 Pages
Author: Philip Kerr
PDF Size : 1,450 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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The One From The Other – Book

“Well, it turns out they were looking for me. After the funeral, I was recognized. By one of my mother’s servants. He told me that unless I gave him some ludicrously large sum of money, he would tell the authorities where to find me. I thought I’d stalled him. I went back to my hotel, intending to check out and go home immediately, only to find that the International Patrol was waiting there for me already. Since then I’ve been walking around Vienna.

Staying in bars and cafés. For fear that I couldn’t go and stay in another hotel or pension. Last night I went to the Oriental and allowed myself to be picked up by a girl, and spent the night with her. Not that anything happened, mind. But I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.”

The One From The Other PDF

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