The Power of Intention [PDF]

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PDF Title : The Power of Intention
Total Page : 272 Pages
Author: Wayne Dyer
PDF Size : 6.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available
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The Power of Intention – Book

The shape and quantity of your thoughts determine the amount of resistance. Thoughts that generate bad feelings are resistant thoughts. Any thought that puts a barrier between what you would like to have and your abílity to attract it ¡nto your life is resistance. Your intention is to live a tranquillífe, free of stress and anxiety. You know that stress doesn’t exist in the world and that there are only people thinking stressful thoughts.

Stressful thoughts all by themselves are a form of resístance. You don’t want stressful, resístant thoughts to be your habitual way of reacting to your world. By practicing thoughts of mínimal resistance, you’ll train yourself to make this your natural way of reacting, and eventually, you’ll become the tranquil person you desire to be, a stress-free person free of the “dis-ease” that stress brings to the body. Stressful thoughts all! by themselves are the resistance that you construct that impedes your connectÍon to the power of intention.

We’re in a world that advertises and promotes reasons to be anxious. You’ve been taught that feeling good in a world where so much suffering exists is an immoral stance to take. You’ve been convíneed that choosing to feel good in bad economic times, in times of war, in times of uncertainty or death, or in the face of any catastrophe anywhere in the world is eras s and inappropriate.

Since these condítíons will always be in the world someplace, you believe you can’t have joy and still be a good person But it may not have occurred to you that in a universe based on energy and attraction, thoughts that evoke feeling bad originate in the same energy Source that attracts more of the same ¡nto your life. These are resistant thoughts.

The Power of Intention PDF

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