The Rest of Your Life: finding repose in the beloved [PDF]

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Rest of Your Life_ Finding Repose in the Beloved, The - DSS John-Roger, Paul Kaye DSS - Novel - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Book PDF Online

PDF Title : The Rest of Your Life: finding repose in the beloved
Total Page : 319 Pages
Author: Paul Kaye
PDF Size : 502 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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The Rest of Your Life: finding repose in the beloved – Book

The living miracle is found in the consciousness of the Beloved that resides within each person. There you can move through space, time, energy, and matter into the timeless, formless, spaceless sphere that is called the Soul. You don’t lose your identity. You replace your personality with the correct identity of who you truly are.

Divine Communion is being present in the Beloved while you are with the person in front of you, unconditionally loving them. Then, being with the next person and unconditionally loving them—then the person next to them and sharing your loving with that one.

You’ll find you can’t wait to keep doing it. And the only reason you separate for a few minutes is to get a glass of water and something to eat in order to build the energy to come back and do it all over again. Time means nothing. Space means nothing. And whether you’re twenty or eighty years old, you are with the one you love, and you’re in that divine moment.

The Rest of Your Life: finding repose in the beloved PDF

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