The Trick – by William Leith [PDF]

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The Trick_ Why Some People Can Make Money and Other People Can't - William Leith - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel Download Online Free

PDF Title : The Trick – by William Leith
Total Page : 202 Pages
Author: William Leith
PDF Size : 712 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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The Trick – by William Leith – Book

Extremistan is getting more and more extreme. The scientific revolution of the 1690s made the world faster and more interconnected, and the more interconnected it became, the faster it changed, and the faster it changed, the more interconnected it became, an autocatalytic process, and now, three centuries later, money that travels from New York to London in seconds is overtaken on the way by smarter money moving many times as fast, money that buys and sells at the right price, locking in a profit, making trades in Beijing and Tokyo and Frankfurt, and getting back to Manhattan before the slow money has even crossed the water.

The Trick – by William Leith PDF

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