The Win Without Pitching Manifesto [PDF]

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The Win Without Pitching Manifesto - Blair Enns - www.indianpdf.com_ PDF Book Download Online Free

PDF Title : The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
Total Page : 86 Pages
Author: Blair Enns
PDF Size : 318 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available
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The Win Without Pitching Manifesto Book

Technology and oversupply are combining to rapidly widen the gulf between the commoditized tacticians who now bid their services against each other online, and the expert practitioners who command significant fees for leading their clients to novel solutions to meaningful business challenges. The middle is disappearing.

The need to choose a path is being forced upon us. If we continue to choose not to choose, the decision will be made for us, and we will be pushed down the commodity road where we will reside with thousands of other order taker suppliers who will never be free of the pitch. This is not a bad time to be forced into a decision.

The world is waking up to the idea that the challenges of both businesses and societies are challenges of design, creativity, and innovation. The opportunity for us to have a meaningful impact on the world has rarely been larger.

The Win Without Pitching Manifesto PDF

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