To the Lighthouse [PDF]

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To the Lighthouse - Woolf, Virginia - www.indianpdf.com_ Download eBook Novel Free Online

PDF Title : To the Lighthouse
Total Page : 200 Pages
Author: Virginia Woolf
PDF Size : 644 KB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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To the Lighthouse Book

The breeze was freshening. The boat was leaning, the water was sliced sharply and fell away in green cascades, in bubbles, in cataracts. Cam looked down into the foam, into the sea with all its treasure in it, and its speed hypnotized her, and the tie between her and James sagged a little. It slackened a little.

She began to think, How fast it goes. Where are we going? and the movement hypnotized her, while James, with his eye fixed on the sail and on the horizon, steered grimly. But he began to think as he steered that he might escape; he might be quit of it all. They might land somewhere, and be free then.

Both of them, looking at each other for a moment, had a sense of escape and exaltation, what with the speed and the change. But the breeze bred in Mr. Ramsay to the same excitement, and, as old Macalister turned to fling his line overboard, he cried out aloud, 157 “We perished,” and then again, “each alone.” And then with his usual spasm of repentance or shyness, pulled himself up, and waved his hand towards the shore.

To the Lighthouse PDF

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