Trading Beyond The Matrix : the red pill for traders and investors [PDF]

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Trading Beyond the Matrix_ The Red Pill for Traders and Investors - Van K. Tharp, PhD - Read Book - www.indianpdf.com_ - Download Online Free

PDF Title : Trading Beyond The Matrix
Total Page : 408 Pages
Author: Van K. Tharp
PDF Size : 3.4 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Trading Beyond The Matrix : the red pill for traders and investors – Book

One of the more interesting ideas I learned was the impermanence law (Anupassana). I know that this life is temporary, but I wondered how to make that relevant in the present. I realized that living in India and Vietnam was very different.

Impermanence causes all suffering, and all suffering comes from impermanence. It is the universal law of this world, and it is applicable to everything. For example, after birth comes old age, sickness, and death—all because of impermanence. The market is up and down all the time, never staying at one price because of impermanence.

The illusionary mind pursues impermanence, and that causes suffering. Being enlightened is to return to true essential nature. It is the path to freedom from death and birth.

Trading Beyond The Matrix : the red pill for traders and investors PDF

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