Unity in Action: 2nd Edition [PDF]

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Unity in Action, 2nd Edition - Book PDF Download

PDF Title : Unity in Action: 2nd Edition
Total Page : 402 Pages
Author: Joe Hocking
PDF Size : 29.8 MB
Language : English
Source : indianpdf
PDF Link : Available

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Unity in Action: 2nd Edition

In the Extra Credits videos, the fourth video is about marketing your game. Sometimes game developers put off thinking about marketing. They only want to think about building the game and not marketing it, but that attitude will probably result in a failed game.

The best game in the world still won’t be successful if nobody knows about it! The word marketing often evokes thoughts of ads, and if you have the budget, then running ads for your game is certainly one way to market it.

But there are lots of low-cost or even free ways to get the word out about your game. Specifics tend to change over time, but overall strategies mentioned in that video include tweeting about your game (or posting on social media in general, not just Twitter) and creating a trailer video to share on YouTube with reviewers, bloggers, and so on. Be persistent and get creative!

Unity in Action: 2nd Edition PDF

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