Wings of Fire : an autobiography [PDF]

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PDF Title : Wings of Fire
Total Page : 112 Pages
Author: APJ Abdul Kalam
PDF Size : 5.8 MB
Language : English
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PDF Link : Available

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Wings of Fire : an autobiography – Book

The young engineers, 280 to be precise, changed the dynamics of DRDL. It was a valuable experience for all of us. We were now in a position to develop, through these young teams, a re-entry technology and structure, a millimetric wave radar, a phased array radar, rocket systems and other such equipment. When we first assigned these tasks to the young scientists, they did not fully grasp the importance of their work.

Once they did, they felt uneasy under the burden of the tremendous faith placed in them. I still remember one young man telling me, “There is no big shot in our team, how will we be able to break through?” I told him, “A big shot is a little shot who keeps on shooting, so keep trying.” It was astonishing to see how in the young scientific environment, negative attitudes changed to positive and things that were previously thought impractical began happening. Many older scientists were rejuvenated simply by being part of a young team.

Wings of Fire : an autobiography PDF

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