Write Better Speak Better [PDF]

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Write better, speak better - Reader's Digest Association - www.indianpdf.com_ - Book Novel PDF Download Online Free

PDF Title : Write Better Speak Better
Total Page : 744 Pages
Author: Reader’s Digest
PDF Size : 85.1 MB
Language : English
Rights : rd.com
PDF Link : Available

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Write Better Speak Better – Book

Xhe practice of personal letter writing is diminishing to such an extent toda\- that the letter threatens to become a telegram, a telephone message, or just a postcard. Since daily events are communicated by newspapers, radio, and television with far greater accuracy and dispatch than they could have been by the efforts of a Voltaire himself.

The circulation of general news—which formed the chief reason for letters in the stagecoach and sailing-vessel days—has no part in the hurried correspondence of the twentieth century. Still, people do write letters, and there are some who possess a gift for a fresh turn of phrase with which to charm the reader.

The letter we all love to receive is the one that carries so much of the writer’s personality that he or she seems to be sitting beside us and talk- ing as if we were together, instead of by proxy in ink-made characters on paper. To achieve this happy feeling of talking through a letter, you must use certain devices to diminish the stilted quality of the written word. Here are a few specific suggestions that may help to make your letters reflect your personality.

Write Better Speak Better PDF

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